Rafeek Mohammad, 24 years old, resident of village near Parbatsar (Ajmer) is having locomotor disability, so he walks with the support of wood-stick. He has 6 members in his family who belongs to lower economic background. Earlier, he used to work under MGNREGA in his village as data entry operator. For excelling further, he joined front-office training provided by organization but he had least knowledge in this field about front-office management, hotel ambience, professional working attire etc. During his training at organization, Rafeek showed great zeal for learning, the trainer worked upon his communication skills, personal grooming, etiquettes besides the front-office curriculum. After completion of training, organization put efforts for his placement but again had to face societal biasness for disability. Many of the hotels refused for his placement, giving the reason that he walks with the support of stick so how could he work in their premises that has stairs everywhere. With continuous efforts, finally he got placement in a 3-star hotel “Su-Casa” at Ajmer-Rajasthan on the salary package of Rs. 7500/- per month with additional accommodation and food facility. He is very happy as he has never thought of working in a professional environment because he never got such exposure due to his belonging to rural environment. He feels grateful towards RMKM, THF & RIST management for giving him an employment-oriented training that upscaled his life to a better extent.