Nitesh was identified as High-risk baby admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) immediately after birth at St. Francis hospital in year 2018 he was one sibling in twin child his brother was born healthy. His parents were counselled by CMH on developmental milestones of the child, followed up regularly though he was residing in the outreach area of RMKM, during which he showed motor developmental delay as he couldn’t stand, he had speech delay as he could not speak even at the age of 1.5 years. Further, Nitesh enrolled into CBR program with immediate effect given regular rehabilitation & therapeutical services.
His father does scrap works which hardly earns him approx. Rs. 3000/- per month and his family consists of 5 members. His parents were earlier disappointed and thought that life time they have to care of their child. Along with regular CBR interventions Parents were invited to attend Parents & Siblings trainings and were taught to work with Nitesh, now he is able to walk without support, run, speak and plays happily with siblings.
Seeing this development, parents’ thoughts have also changed towards disability, they conveyed several thanks to RMKM as well as Azim Premji Foundation for such timely support that the impact of disability has reduced to greater extent in their child.