With God’s grace, RMKM is proud to share that Mrs. Kshama R Kaushik (Secretary & Chief Functionary) got selected for the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program for International Teachers (The Fulbright Program DAI) in the year 2021. She successfully completed this fellowship at Arizona State University (USA). There were 4 fellows selected from India, & she was the only one from Rajasthan. During fellowship, she worked upon the best practices of India and the U.S. in meaningful involvement of Children With Special Needs (CWSNs) in the classroom with and without technology focusing UDL (Universal Design of Learning). With her excellence and the knowledge gained through fellowship, organization be benefitted always to upscale its services for CWSNs/ PWDs.

2. Scotland India Impact Link Fellowship 2020
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Kaushik, Director (RMKM & Daksha Empower Ability Foundation), got selected in an International “Scotland India Impact Link Fellowship 2020”. This Fellowship aimed to provide world-class support to the emerging social enterprise to continuously grow and bring flexibility in the work. Only 5 people from all over India were selected for this fellowship, Mr. Rakesh was one of them as he has been working in the field of disability for last 29 years for empowerment of PWDs.
Under the guidance of eminent experienced social entrepreneurs, fellows were selected from India as well as Scotland and mentoring provided to deal with challenges in the work so as to empower Persons With Disability (PWDs) to become self-reliant.