Secretary and Chief Functionary
Having more than 20 years of experience, working as Secretary and Chief Functionary in Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal, Chachiyawas, Ajmer (RMKM) which is serving more than 2000 Children With Special Needs (CWSN) through its centres vide Rajasthan. On Educational Front, She has done- M.A-Social work from TATA institute of social sciences Mumbai (year-2000), B. Sc. Zoology(1996) from Mumbai M P Bhoj university, B.Ed. S E (Mental Retardation) From NIMH regional centre Mumbai, M.P Bhoj university.
She has been selected for Anniversary Inclusive Education Fellowship by American Fellowship Act (ADA). This fellowship was for 6 weeks duration and successfully completed in May/June 2017. For this prestigious fellowship, more than 300 applications have been received across India and out of 7 selected ones, She was one of them for this prestigious fellowship. She has also done Certificate course in Learning Disability. She has an excellent interpersonal and communicative skills and dedicated towards the betterment of Persons With Disability and promote the inclusion in the society.