3. Nazir, a 21 years old Adult having Cerebral Palsy and multiple disability, living with his family consists of parents and 2 elder siblings (Brother and sister). Both the siblings are married and live separately with their families. His parents are daily wage workers, so their economic conditions are not so well due to high debts. During COVID-19 lockdown, the family got panicked for food arrangements that was the major challenge. RMKM stood up in such condition and identified needy families, enlisted Nazir’s family and provided ration kits twice to fulfill their basic needs. Nazir & his family conveyed many thanks to RMKM for their support in need.
4. Rama Gawaria, resident of Babaicha Village, having big family of 9 members including 2 wives & 6 children out of which 2 children are having Physical Disability. It has become crucial for Rama to earn livelihood for survival of his family but he has knowledge of Carpentry work but this work do not yield much income to fulfill the needs of family. Also his wife do sells small cosmetic items to stand by with him. During COVID-19 lockdown, the situations got aggravated and arrangement of food in such extended lockdown for big family became a herculean task for Rama. Both of his children having disability are already enrolled under RMKM’s CBR Program, so are already aware about their family & then economic conditions. RMKM provided Ration kit twice to relief family in such situation. However Ajay could not speak; but through eyes and smile he thanked RMKM for being a real helping hand at the time of

5. Salim, a 40 years old Adult with Disability, belongs to Babaicha Village and has big family consists of wife & 6 children. Unfortunately, he became victim of circumstances two years ago, when met with an accident while filling wood in tractor, his body became dysfunctional, devoid of sensations. In spite of proper medication & treatment consolation, he could not stand up by own. After accident he became totally dependent on his wife, who does daily wages work but could not go farther as family’s look-after is a major constraint. During COVID-19 lockdown situation, his known ones supported as possible; but extended conditions of lock down emerged as challenge to manage food for family ones. In this condition, RMKM supported in providing Ration Kit. Salim expressed thanks to RMKM and has a hope that with RMKM’s support in treatment: he will again stand up on his foot and run the family by own.
6. Meena, D/o Naryan Das Kotra, a 24 years old Adult With Disability, resides in Ajmer in a rented room which is devoid of electricity. Her family consists of her father, mother, brother and Aunt. Her father, being aged couldn’t work and brother is a vendor of small plastic items that could hardly earns money. Her mother & Aunt do cleaning works in several households/ temple so their economic conditions are not so well. Few months ago COVID-19 lockdowan, Meena was enrolled with RMKM’s livelihood oriented Program but when contacted during lockdown ,it was found that their economic conditions got more worsened and they are facing scarcity of food at home. As soon as we came to know about her, RMKM decided to stand by with Meena and provided ration kit for the family, that resulted in smile on their faces. They instantly named RMKM as trouble Shooter, helping hand for them and one of the view that if Meena had not associated with RMKM, they would not have been aware about RMKM and its social connect with down trodden people of society. Now they have firm belief that RMKM is the real savior in crisis condition and will help out continuously for their upliftment.

7. Sagar Singh S/o Sh. Nanu Singh Rawat, is a 39 year old Adult With Disability, resident of Hathikhera – Ajmer having 3 children & wife in family. His wife is also having a disability and they run the family by tailoring works. Though they get benefit by Government’s Palanhaar Scheme, disability pension for both, but family hardly earns their Livelihood. During Covid-19 pandemic situation, Sagar anyhow managed in phase-I, but the uncertainly of income, spreading of pandemic with no timeline panicked him a lot and put him in traumatic situation. In such situation with zero savings with nil income; Sagar got stuck to it. At that time, RMKM provided immediate relief to Sagar in terms of “Ration Kit” to him. After having distributed “Ration Kit” Sagar was of the view that-Food Supply (Ration Kit) for the needy ones is very meaningful campaign, being run by RMKM. He himself happy as organization through its own vehicle provided relief at the door step of needy ones. After this, Sagar wants to associate with the organization either through training or any work. Presently, Sagar is engaging himself in planting vegetables at his home for personal use. Sagar expresses sincere salutation to RMKM, for being standby at the time of need.
8. Naru Ram, is 30-years old Adult With Disability, residing in Singara Village. Being polio affected since childhood, he has limitation for outside work. Earlier Nanu Ram resided in joint family structure, but after his Father’s death, Family structure became broken and his elder brother got separated, now he alone lives with his mother. Being aged, his mother could not able to do anything and Naru’s physical constraint aggravated the situation from bad to worse as far as income status is concerned. His earning is only limited to disability pension rupees 500/-and mother old age pension Scheme rupees 500/- Naruram has a small piece of land for agriculture work; but sometimes the scarcity of rain or physical constraints blocked the earning ways of family and hardly had a single crop of season. Due to pandemic COVID-19 situation, his family underwent miserable condition; RMKM indentified them as “Needy Ones” for ration kit distribution and benefitted them at the earliest. Because of the quick help and relief provided, Naruram expresses thanks from the core of heart to RMKM and says that if RMKM had not approached us in crisis time with full hand support he would not have been live further under starvation.

9. Krishna Rao, is a 30 years old poor woman and widow from Roopangarh. Earlier her family’s economic condition was average, but 2 years ago her husband died in an accident; which in turn put Krishna in amidst of all crisis as she had to run her family by own. She was 04 siblings out of them one is having disability and associated with RMKM’s CBR program; because of that her son has been linked with Palanhar Yojana and widow pension for Krishna Rao. These are meagre Krishna’s income source. Due to pandemic COVID-19 Situations, her employment at school got disconnected resulted in nil salary with zero co-operation. Her father is ward panch, but she could hardly get any support from his Father so she approached sarpanch, but he also shown non-cooperation in providing any relief to the aggrieved family. Then in April 2020, the RMKM under its social responsibility arena, identified Krishna & her family as “needy ones” and provided Ration Kit twice in April & May 2020 consecutively. Krishna herself is of the view that during crisis, when neither family nor village had come up for support but RMKM, while walking extra mile provided support to us and that is the only reason she survived with her family in last 02 crucial months. Krishna thanks RMKM repeatedly for its continuous efforts, which became life support system for them during short days.