1. Ratni Devi w/o Lt. Shri Hira Lal, 45 years old woman belongs to Singara Village. She has 6 daughters and only responsible person after the death of her husband. Although she has been working in MNREGA, farming and other daily labor works and free from responsibility of marriage of 02 elder daughters. Due to below average economic condition, the crop productivity level could not gear up. To provide support and livelihood development, RMKM has trained her in goat farming and connected with self-help group, so that during hefty expenditures and sick new farming conditions, she could take loan from group and come up with crisis.
In the wake of COVID-19, the first phase of lockdown was passed; but when it was extended as per severity, she got disappointed, for she could not able to go for labor work and nobody was ready to lend her money. In such situation, RMKM identified the needy families, enlisted them and provide ration (food) distribution at her door step.
In the words of Ratni Devi,”As per Ratni Devi, if she had not got support in such grave conditions she would not have come up RMKM has done a good job.”
2. Ayub khan, 22 years old man, resident of Ararka Village, having physical disability. He has 2 siblings – one younger brother and sister. His parents are daily wage workers. Ayub and his sister both are Persons With Disability so they always need someone to look after them., Ayub and her sister both are linked with RMKM CBR Program and provided various therapeutic interventions.Ayub now runs his grocery shop through home itself. The economic condition of family was extremely poor, and due to COVID-19 lock down, it got aggravated, as parents afraid of dire consequences.
In these conditions, RMKM earmarked the family as ‘needy’ and provided Ration (Food) kit twice to them, which lowered their stress level.
In the words of Ayub’s parents, ““we are extremely happy for the support RMKM provided when we needed much, we are thankful to RMKM from the cove of heart”.